Why do we perceive feedback as either linear, from a to b or in loops?
What would an even more organic view on feedback look like?
I prefer to call the ways feedback finds her ways through the gutters of our perceptions, of systems systeming, of life life-ing and responding in her interconnected nature feedback wiggles. I like the quirky sound of it, it takes out the sense of control we unconsciously allocate when drawing and allocating arrows or circuits with a + or a - (what can be tremendously useful in certain situations, from time to time.
How shall I know what my feedback to you might shift in your relationship to your little brother, or the forest you visit everyday?
Another topic that is coming up for me thinking of my relationship to feedback is systems' holdback. Am I contributing to a crime towards life when not openly sharing my perspective and observation? How and when is silence actually the best feedback, and words more destructive to a relationship (they can be a holdback when they are not honest and only reflect partly what I actually think, isn't it?)?
Wiggeling on, with humility & the best intentions :)
