Where do you want to be met?
I received this question a week back, and it came as a gift into my life. Now, I want to pass it on to you all. What is it that wants to be seen these days, what deserves the world's attention?
It feels vulnerable to even think about it, not to speak of sharing. Tender. Making oneself seen in a world that has so little attention available, spread on too many things. And still, something in me wants to express itself, wants to find its space no matter how unimportant.
One thing in me that wants to be met is my tenderness. The vulnerable version of myself that doesn't see the light too often in a brutal, rough, hyper-protective world. Asking to be met in my tenderness is probably the hardest thing I am encountering now. I wonder if I am alone with that. Wouldn't everyone do well with a little more care and softness?
How about you? Where do you want to be met? I'd love to hear!
If you feel like simmering in similar questions in a magical environment surrounded by nature & exceptional people, I would like to share an invitation with you:
Meet Chris, Caro, and me at O Couso for a Rite of Passage from May 24-31. We'll gather in beautiful Galicia for 7 nights of honouring our transitions & finding out what wants to be found as we lean in.
Learn more here https://bit.ly/RiteofPassage25
and join us for a taster call on March 18th at 6 pm CET https://bit.ly/RoP-Curiosity
