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For centuries, human beings have been tending to the stars for orientation. With our feet firmly rooted in the soil and our gaze directed towards the sky, an unrepeatable perspective is opening up - a perspective informed by the unique ecosystem that is surrounding us, a clarity that speaks right to where we are, right to our hearts, minds, bodies. In this space, we find ourselves able to hold the bigger questions, keep inquiring and embrace the uncertainty of our days. 

And there is a lot of uncertainty, looking out at the state of the world. From wars to pandemics and the projections of a climate emergency: Many of us find ourselves wrapped in a thick layer of overwhelm, not knowing where to go, how to make meaning, how to address the stuckness that cuts into our skin like a rope that is wrapped all around us and keeps us from connecting from each other.

What if this lost-ness is part of the journey, what if we feel into it and allow ourselves to ponder for a moment?
What if we don’t give into the temptation of adding more control and supervision, tightening old hierarchies and moving further away from each other? 
What if we decide to add more context instead, opening up to the endless possibilities that come forth if we connect to all layers of our collective intelligence? 
What if there was play, movement, connection, all woven into a learning process that is fueled by curiosity and the idea that we are meant to thrive?
What if outcomes emerge as a luminescent byproduct of our journey as we expand our comfort zone and sense into the present?

These questions, amongst others, are driving me forward in my work with and between people and organisations from across the world, wrapped tightly into diverse communities of practice.

upcoming projects & playground endeavours

... and some stories from the past here.

web of practices

The greatest opportunities emerge by transcending the boundaries we are drafting - that’s why I love projects that transcend different contexts and make use of the richness within the diversity of people and practices. An ecotone of opportunity!

My work often shows as a continuous learning process, a response to a certain context, a decentralised exploration seeking to connect to what is needed. It is always about deep collaboration with the people involved, about listening and tending to the relationships within a certain ecosystem. Meeting people where they are, from a place of curiosity & care. 

Click on the images to learn more about some the networks, contexts  and practices I associate with and use in my work:

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